Public Comment
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In accordance with the Jersey City Board of Education’s by-laws, those who would like to speak at a Board meeting must notify the Board, in advance, of their intent to speak. Members of the public wishing to address the Board of Education must state their name and address and are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes, Policy #0164.6 & 0167 revised at the March 23, 2023 meeting.
With regard to agenda items requiring a vote, notification may be any time up to the start of the meeting. Once the meeting commences, no further speakers will be permitted to participate.
With regard to general comment items, requests to speak may be made up until 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting.
All requests to speak at a board meeting must be made by filling in this Online Form.
The Jersey City Board of Education encourages comment and opinion with regard to the conduct of our schools and consistent with the rules set forth in our policies, invites you to attend and speak during the public comment portion of our Board meetings.
Prior to speaking, we request that you identify the topic and agenda on which you are commenting. Please remember that all comments, even those made within the general comment section, must be related to the conduct of the schools. While comments may, of course, be critical in nature, they may not be, in any way, disrespectful, vulgar, or threatening toward any board member, the superintendent or school staff. Your comments may not be so hostile such that they have the potential to incite violence.
Again, we welcome public opinion, comment, input, and yes, criticism, but this is not a forum to advance one’s own personal agenda. Further, it is incumbent upon us as a Board to advise the public that comments asserted that are stated in such a way as to convey to the listener that they are factual and true, when in fact, may just be the speaker’s opinion, may be considered slanderous and present the risk of liability to the speaker as well as to the Board.
If any comments made by a member of the public violate the policy as explained above, the Board, and/or its counsel, will intervene and request that you refrain from further comment and that you take your seat.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.